Healthy Vending for St. Louis, MO, Businesses, Service Locations and Organizations

Griesedieck Vending Company Provides Solutions for Healthy Vending in St. Louis, MO?

Are you looking for a vending service provider, food selections and options for healthy vending in St. Louis, MO?  If so, then Griesedieck Vending Company in St. Louis welcomes inquiries from local businesses, service locations, offices, healthcare organizations, or anyone else who is interested in vending solutions for employees and customers.  We can set up your location with a couple of vending machines and service, office coffee service and/or beverage dispensing equipment or provide you with equipment for an entirely customizable micro market, and provide you with fresh foods and healthy vending options in St. Louis County or in St. Charles, MO.

Contact Griesedieck Vending at 314-429-5656 in order to discuss your vending supply, maintenance and inventory stocking options as well as a developing a menu or food selections for you location.

Choose Fresh Foods and Snack Smart™ Selections for Your Vending Location or Micro Market

Besides a wide range of traditional vending favorites such as snacks and sandwiches, Griesedieck Vending provides clients with many options for healthy vending in St. Louis, MO.   We offer a wide range of fresh sandwiches, crisp salads, fruit, vegetarian selections, and even some Vegan and healthy ethnic food selections.  Our Snack Smart™ food selections for your vending machines or micro market offer employees and customers the option to eat healthier foods including fresh items, fruits, juices and lower-calorie and lower-fat (and/or no trans-fat) selections.

Griesedieck Vending offers fresh foods, healthy snacks and Snack Smart™ selections.  Our fresh foods and Snack Smart™ options are easily identifiable and your vending selection is customizable.  We base our Snack Smart™ food selections on a standard 2,500 calorie per day diet.  Our healthier food selections are easily identifiable with noticeable “heart-shaped” logo and Snack Smart™ labeling, which has nutrition information (when applicable) that allows your employees and customers to watch calories, fat, sugar—important for diabetics—and selecting food and snacks that fit into any ongoing diets or diet restrictions.  To meet Snack Smart™ requirements, food items meet a minimum of four of our seven specific healthy snack guidelines.  The specific labeling criteria comprises total calories, total carbohydrates, dietary fiber, sodium/salt, total amount of fat, any saturated fats, and whether or not a product has any trans-fat.

Some of the options include:

  • A wide assortment of hundreds of possible food and snack selections including and lower fat/lower calorie food options for your vending location
  • Healthier, fresher food options to promote employee wellness
  • Wider food selections can keep employees at your workplace, thus reducing long lunches
  • Customized food offerings that are tailored to meet your employee or customer preferences
  • Vegetarian selections
  • Vegan food options
  • Healthy ethnic options
  • Fresh sandwiches, wraps and similar items
  • Fresh fruits
  • Fresh salads and lower-calorie/lower-fat dressing selections
  • Healthier meal selections

Griesedieck Vending’s micro markets use energy-efficient vending machinery, display coolers and freezers that are ENERGY STAR rated or compliant, thus using only about half of the power of older vending machinery.

Vending Payment Solutions

We will maintain your equipment, work with you on your vending menu, set up equipment, a check-out kiosk, or we can set you up for self-service, cashless vending solutions including MDB payment options, DEX Interface payment solutions, mag stripe vending payment options (AMEX, MasterCard, VISA credit cards, bank debit cards, reloadable cards, etc.), or even set up your vending payment to utilize employee badges.

Contact Griesedieck Vending (314-429-5656) to discuss your options for healthy vending in St. Louis, MO.